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中西 繁 Shigeru NAKANISHI Exhibition
哀愁の巴里 ― 欧州の旅
〈会期〉2025年 3月24日(月) ~ 4月5日(土)
Paris with melancholic nostalgia
It has been 20 years since I studied painting in Paris, staying at the room in Montmartre where Van Gogh used to live. I painted for two years there, and for the next four years I stayed at a studio in Montparnasse only in the winter seasons. In December 2022, I organized a group trip of 23 people to visit the Van Gogh's room in Montmartre and his house in Auber-sur-Oise, the last place he lived in his life. Comparing to my memory, the city of Paris has not changed overall, but I noticed that there are places where the tenants of the shops have changed. In some places, the color of the café tents have changed, even some of the traditional ones who used the same color for a long time. The big change was that the lighting has become LED, the illumination has become more vivid, and the lighting in the store has become gorgeous.
I think the illumination of the light bulbs in the old days was preferable. Nostalgic Paris with a melancholy. For paintings, I prefer landscapes that reminds people the old days. Newness and Nostalgia. I am painting pictures of such a mixed feeling.
中西 繁 Shigeru NAKANISHI
哀愁の巴里 ― 欧州の旅
〈会期〉2025年 3月24日(月) ~ 4月5日(土)
Paris with melancholic nostalgia
It has been 20 years since I studied painting in Paris, staying at the room in Montmartre where Van Gogh used to live. I painted for two years there, and for the next four years I stayed at a studio in Montparnasse only in the winter seasons. In December 2022, I organized a group trip of 23 people to visit the Van Gogh's room in Montmartre and his house in Auber-sur-Oise, the last place he lived in his life. Comparing to my memory, the city of Paris has not changed overall, but I noticed that there are places where the tenants of the shops have changed. In some places, the color of the café tents have changed, even some of the traditional ones who used the same color for a long time. The big change was that the lighting has become LED, the illumination has become more vivid, and the lighting in the store has become gorgeous.
I think the illumination of the light bulbs in the old days was preferable. Nostalgic Paris with a melancholy. For paintings, I prefer landscapes that reminds people the old days. Newness and Nostalgia. I am painting pictures of such a mixed feeling.
キトラ古墳壁画体験館 四神の館 体験学習室
キトラ古墳壁画体験館 四神の館 体験学習室
◽️ Exhibition Schedule 2025 / 展 覧 会 情 報
◽️ Exhibition Schedule 2025 / 展 覧 会 情 報

◽️ ART FAIR 2025 / 出 展 情 報
▫️ ART FAIR 2025 / アートフェア 出 展 情 報
◽️ Event Schedule2025 / 催 事 出 展 情 報
◽️ Event Schedule 2025 / 催 事 出 展 情 報
◽️ Media information / メ デ ィ ア 情 報
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▫️Instagram / @ yamakiartgallery
▫️Instagram / @ yamakiartgallery